While British police continued to investigate a possible plot to kill Pope Benedict XVI during his trip to London, the Pontiff delivered a speech to the country’s political elite gathered at Westminster Hall in which he spoke of the need to balance religious faith and reason. To let either exert undue control over the other,…

Restaurant week continues in this space. After my impassioned defense of McDonald’s from the food police yesterday, today I’d like to weigh in on a lawsuit involving the International House of Pancakes. And, of course, I’d like to conduct this weigh-in before breakfast. It seems the restaurant is suing the International House of Prayer because…

Poor Bill Maher. The host of HBO’s Real Time told the Hollywood Reporter that he’ll never win an Emmy because “A panel of like 10 people watches one tape. If half of those people are religious, that probably eliminates me right there. A lot of people wouldn’t vote for such an outspoken atheist, someone who…

On this way when all Americans and all people of good will remember with sadness the tragic events of September 11, 2001, Pope John Paul II’s words delivered to a general audience the day after the attacks remain as true and moving today as they were then. They are worth remembering. JOHN PAUL II GENERAL…

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