Why is Glee so mean? On paper, Glee sounds like just the kind of show I would be going out of my way to praise.  After all, a show about a group of outcast kids who gain self esteem by coming together and excelling on their high school glee club could have — and should…

Debate over hell heats up on MSNBC. Host Martin Bashir gave controversial pastor Rob Bell a little hell on Earth when he interviewed him about his book Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived. ABC’s George Stephanopoulos was quite a bit friendlier during an earlier interview…

Organized Religion at its best. Faith groups from all over the world are using every means, including social networking sites, to help the people of Japan. Where you can donate here. Aflac duck loses its voice. Gilbert Gottfried, the comedian who provided the bird’s famous vocalization, has been flipped the bird by the insurance company…

MSNBC’s Morning Joe criticized for shaky Japan earthquake coverage. Some thought the casual, politics-heavy tone of Friday’s show was a bit weird considering the enormity of the Japanese disaster (which only seems to get worse by the hour). To be fair, producers may have reasoned that the tragedy was already being extensively covered on NBC’s…

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