Welcome to your daily report and commentary from the intersection of Faith & Media.Christians targeted for violence in Iraq. Where is the U.S. government and media?      Reza Aslan writing for the Daily Beast: Iraq’s 2,000-year-old Christian community is on the brink of extinction, its members targeted by al Qaeda attacks and fleeing abroad.…

Welcome to your daily report and commentary from the intersection of Faith & Media.Pope Benedict speaks out against using God to justify violence. “All religions should encourage the correct use of reason and promote ethical values to build civil coexistence,” Benedict said. “Religions can never justify intolerance and war.” Story. Amen. False equivalence between the…

While British police continued to investigate a possible plot to kill Pope Benedict XVI during his trip to London, the Pontiff delivered a speech to the country’s political elite gathered at Westminster Hall in which he spoke of the need to balance religious faith and reason. To let either exert undue control over the other,…

Feisal Abdul Rauf, the Muslim imam behind the planned Islamic cultural center on the site where a landing gear from one of the planes used in the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center plummeted to earth has written an op-ed piece for the New York Times. In his column, his first detailed attempt to…

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