Gary Krupp, President of the Pave the Way Foundation, is a Jewish man who has been knighted by two popes (John Paul II and Benedict XVI) for his good works. Through their PTWF organization, he and his wife Meredith use the media to promote religious tolerance and understanding. According to them, one of the biggest areas of misunderstanding between Christians and…

It was at a holiday barbecue when the subject of Mel Gibson‘s latest alleged rant came up. This time, as you probably know by now, the movie star/director is said to have been caught on tape delivering a vile sexist and racist tirade threatening violence against Oksana Grigorieva, the former girlfriend with whom he has…

Christopher Hitchens, the well-known author, journalist and opponent of religion (particularly the Catholic Church) sadly has put out a statement that he has cancer of the esophagus. Writing respectively for the National Catholic Register and Beliefnet, bloggers Pat Archbold and Rod Dreher are among those calling on people of goodwill everywhere to pray for the…

So many channels, so little to watch. Especially if you’re not in the coveted 18-34 year-old demographic so sought after by advertisers who are continually told (or who tell us) that this highly-prized group of hyper-cool human beings prefers their TV entertainment to be “edgy” (which is usually a euphemism for mean or, at least, not nice).  The result of…

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