Osama Bin Laden is dead! Long live America! The masterful execution of the taking out of Osama Bin Laden by American forces under the leadership of the Obama Administration has helped our country recover some of that feeling of unity we had following 9/11. Not that we should thank Osama or anything but the guy…

Kobe Bryant on defense. During a heated game with the San Antonio Spurs, the LA Lakers superstar was caught on camera mouthing a couple of offensive F words toward the ref who had just slammed him with a technical foul.  GLAAD quickly went on offense and NBA Commissioner fined him $100,000. Bryant is appealing the…

Donald Trump talks about Koran’s “negative vibe.” Of course, he’s apparently running for president so he may just be trying to quash those “Donald Trump is secretly Muslim” rumors. Meanwhile… Mitt Romney has a suggestion for Trump: Lay off the “birther” issue. He says even if (for sake of argument) President Obama was born in…

My recent assertion that the Fox TV show Glee is not about tolerance brought some reader response, some in basic agreement, some in respectful disagreement, some in somewhat less-respectful disagreement. Here a sampling, along with my responses: Jeff wrote: I totally dis-agree with your comments. Glee doesn’t pull any punches and neither did Nip Tuck!…

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