The shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and several other innocent bystanders (six of whom died) on Saturday is a horrible tragedy. Every sane person agrees with that and our hearts and prayers go out to all the victims. Every sane person can also agree with the need to tone down venomous rhetoric on both…

To hear some of the media tell it, The Bible would seem to be nothing more than a collection bigotries and superstitions to be shed and overcome by a civilized society rather than a book of eternal wisdom for the ages. It’s true that individual quotes can be plucked out of The Good Book, by…

Following up on yesterday’s blog reporting on the verbal exchanges involving Bill O’Reilly, Stephen Colbert and Bernie Goldberg involving the question of whether Jesus would side with liberals or conservatives on questions involving taxes and government spending, here are some of my thoughts and comments. 1. The debate actually began when U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott…

There’s lots of outrage on the left over the Smithsonian’s decision to bow to political pressure and pull a video of Jesus Christ covered in ants from a Christmas-timed exhibit entitled “Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture”. Predictably, the cries of government censorship followed. One commenter to an item that appeared on this blog…

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