Keith Olbermann, the low-rated MSNBC host, has weighed in on the proposed Muslim community center (for the sake of argument I won’t use the word “mosque”)  near New York’s Ground Zero. I weigh in now on Mr. Olbermann’s commentary (video/transcript here) suggesting that opposition to the center must stem from bad-old American intolerance though no…

Here’s a YouTube edited version of Showtime’s The Big C, officially premiering tonight at 10:30 PM ET.  The show stars Laura Linney as Cathy Jamison, a wife (actually estranged from her husband), mother and school teacher who, after being diagnosed with stage IV melanoma decides to spend whatever time she has left (she’s uninterested in…

Shades of Dan Quayle vs. Murphy Brown in the the early nineties. Now, it’s Bill O’Reilly taking on Jennifer Aniston over the 41-year-old actress’ statement (while promoting her new film The Switch, a comedy about sperm donation) that “Women are realizing it more and more knowing that they don’t have to settle with a man…

Steven Slater, the disgruntled Jet Blue flight attendant who has soared to fame on the wings of his spectacular meltdown at New York’s JFK Airport on Monday, seems to be television’s next great candidate for reality stardom. Hailed as a hero by some quarters on the internet, the Hollywood Reporter is seriously asking how Slater…

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