Catholics Media and Culture

Plain scary. MSNBC host Cenk Uygar may have made the worst pro-fetuscide argument ever when speaking out against an Ohio bill that would forbid abortions once a fetal heartbeat can be detected. Here’s what he said about lawmakers listening to live fetal heartbeats via ultrasound: “By all accounts, the fetus will be the youngest ever…

Pope Benedict XVI: Don’t blames Jews for Christ’s crucifixion. In his news book Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week (the follow-up to his 2007 bestseller Jesus of Nazareth) the pontiff explores the details of the final week of Jesus’ earthly life – as the subtitle states From the Entrance Into Jerusalem to the Resurrection. In excerpts…

It’s Showtime for a corrupt pope. The pay-cable channel will debut The Borgias in April. The historical drama stars Jeremy Irons as Rodrigo Borgia (aka Pope Alexander VI) who apparently bought his way into the papacy and whose rule is considered by many to be a prime example of corruption in the Catholic Church during…

What’s with the crass titles? At least CBS’ $#*! My Dad Says bleeps out the uncouth word but this season some television pilots are pushing the limits of taste still further. Disney-owned ABC, for example, has both Don’t Trust the Bitch in Apt. 23 and Good Christian Bitches – two titles that demean women, one…

Charlie Sheen’s goes on an unfortunate interview spree. The suddenly ubiquitous sitcom star rants to anyone who will listen — dissing his concerned father in the process and claiming “I am on a drug, it’s called Charlie Sheen.” If his intent was to prove he doesn’t have a problem, he’s failed miserably. Like his father…

Comic/cartoon writer Dwayne McDuffie dies. A major talent in the superhero genre, he co-founded Milestone Media which produces multicultural comic books, including Hardware and Static. An African-American himself, he felt a calling to introduce black heroes into the culture — but, first and foremost, he was an excellent writer who told compelling stories. I’m aware…

Movie Review: Of Gods and Men is a story of two faiths under fire. Synopsis: Under increasing threats from radical Islamic terrorists, a group of monks living in war-torn Algeria must decide whether leave the country or continue to provide support to the impoverished community they serve.  An internationally-honored hit, Of Gods and Men finally…

Joy to GOP Congress.  On her HLN show, Joy Behar said legislators who voted 240-185 to defund the scandal-plagued Planned Parenthood are “evil, immoral and unethical. They’re also stupid.”  Not exactly holding to President Obama’s call for civil discourse with those with whom we disagree. Joy, of course, has a right to her opinion regarding…

Faith-themed movies topped 2010 box office. About 500 members of the movie industry who attended the Movieguide Faith and Values Awards Friday night at the Universal Hilton were handed the organization’s annual Report to the Entertainment Industry. Here are the highlights, as reported by Hollywood Reporter: Movies with pro-atheism messages in 2010, for example, earned…

Allah in the Family. That’s the title of The Daily Show’s spoof of calls for an Islamic Cosby Show. Pretty funny.BTW, I think a sitcom about a normal American family that happens to be Muslim is a good idea that could promote healing and understanding. I would, however, caution against overplaying the counterproductive angle of…

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