I am going to be a hypocrite here in today’s feature, but just a little bit.
I often rail on reality shows, for instance, but in reality not all of them are bad.
The Duggars on TLC, for instance, are an example of people at their best and a family that sticks together and prays together.
They appreciate the little things in life, they are good, clean and wholesome “livers” and they give of themselves to charitable causes. Everywhere they go they leave better than when they arrived, and that’s no mean feat for a troupe of 20.
The few times I watched their show it drove me a little nutty at how happy they seem all the time.
Well, shame on me … what a dumb thing to think about!
I should be happy for them in their happiness … they are great role-models and beautiful people.
If they want to have 50 kids … more power to them!
I dig the Duggars!