A recent newspaper article that indicated Twitter is some kind of fad that could come and go in the next few years seems kind of sad to me.
The great equalizer in our society isn’t economic or legal or anything like that. It’s actually twitter, I would argue.
Where else can a schlub like me reach out to greats in their respective fields like TV anchor Russ Mitchell, entrepreneur Daymond John and sportscaster Dick Vitale and ACTUALLY get responses to things I have written?
I have one main social media to thank … and that’s twitter.
While Facebook has done its part, as well, it’s really more of a social outlet. Twitter, to me, is more about promoting oneself professionally.
And it has been a remarkable way to “meet” stars like the ones I mentioned.
Mitchell and John both took a few moments to respond positively to tweet and/or story, while Vitale wasn’t too happy that I’m not a big fan of his work on ESPN.
That’s OK, we can agree to disagree, but just to get his response is pretty darn cool…and I did refer to him as ‘great’ earlier in this post!
I enjoy having over 800 followers on twitter, it’s a real honor … and I have Beliefnet to thank too for that!
So … who really gives a tweet about twitter?
I do!