Talk about doing the right thing for the wrong reason? Years ago Charles Barkley, the ex-NBA great turned entertaining TNT basketball analyst flatly refused to be a role-model for youngsters. He even did commercials where he angrily stated: “I am not a role model!” Ahhhh…but wave some money in “Sir Charles” face and he’s singing…

I recently passed the 300 mark in reader comments, and that’s pretty exciting to me. After all, besides pageviews, there’s no other way to be sure people are ACTUALLY reading this feature/blog than getting comments. It’s fun to hear from people too, whether or not people agree with me. Although I am ALWAYS right and…

Glad to see my last post on Best Buy’s ads knocking Santa struck a cord with hundreds of readers and several comments. I LOVE Best Buy and have purchased several products there over the years … and hopefully I’ll still be welcome there in the future … lol … sorta. That said, I seem to…

Let me make one thing perfectly clear … as the late, great President Nixon used to say… I have NEVER been a big fan of Santa Claus. I think he’s part of the commercial distraction that takes away from the Christ in Christmas. Or tries to. That said, I am actually a bit uncomfortable about…

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