Chris Wallace appeared to ask Republican candidate for president Michelle Bachmann an unfair question Sunday on his FOX News program. “Are you a flake?” Wallace asked the Iowa-born, Minnesota politically bred Bachmann. Despite being off slightly on some answers to questions on the political trail, Bachmann was clearly not ready for Wallace’s jab, especially from…

Anything that can break through John McEnroe and show the heart of the man through all the complicated layers deserves credit. HBO Documentaries does just that with Fire and Ice, a film about McEnroe’s rivalry with Bjorn Borg during a golden age of tennis in the 1970’s. Borg, Ice, because of his steely disposition, was…

First off, I would like to take a sentence or two to thank everyone reading this blog for its major growth the last few days. Readership has turned from the teens into the hundreds per day, and I am humbled and grateful for that. OK…tough segue here but had to take a moment to comment…

After all he has been through, and put himself and his family through, David Letterman should be as kind and gracious as possible … as often as possible. But you can’t teach old CBS Late Show hosts new tricks I suppose. Letterman and sidekick Paul Shaffer were both unnecessarily rude to Top 10 reader/guest Justin…

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