I was thinking that telegraphing love to irritating people and struggling to keep lines of communication open were the themes of my week alone, but apparently, we’re all under the influence of a new moon and solar eclipse that can release negativity, and tempt us to sweat “small stuff.”

Here’s what April Elliott Kent wrote about the new moon in Virgo for MoonCircles.com: “It’s time to release the tendency toward busywork that distracts us from the real work at hand; the urge to criticize the efforts of others; the complete denial of life’s poetry and magic, in favor of a rigid, rational approach. This Solar Eclipse lies close to the Moon’s South Node, drawing a line that connects us to a long pattern of this kind of such negativity in our lives. Where, in the previous years when eclipses fell in Virgo (most recently 1997 and 1998), were you to quick to criticize, too slow to notice the beauty around you, and too busy sweating the small stuff to keep your eye on the big picture?”

Read the entire article here.

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