Since we were on the subject of God and amputees yesterday, you might be uplifted by Beliefnet’s homepage article about the faith of disabled people and their families. Be sure not to miss Lilit Marcus’s piece on her life with hearing impaired parents, and all the thoughts that rushed in when her father was in…

Thanks to faithful reader Pacific231 for this response to our conversation about sending love to bullies and other irritating people: “I strongly believe that feeling compassion for a bully must not translate into martyrdom… A very recent Buddhist book on the subject of politically-engaged Buddhism… mentioned how ancient Buddhist armies were most certainly not pacifistic.…

Atheists will applaud the website But if you believe in God, or are on the fence about God’s presence, you’ll still be fascinated. The authors try to explain as clearly as is conceivable–as if they are speaking to fourth graders–why believing in God is patently ridiculous, and makes little logical sense. I think those…

Click here to learn more about Environmental Action’s “pledge to pay the difference” campaign. Upon collecting 3,600 pledges, the group is hoping to tell U.S. auto makers that E.A. members will pay more for environmentally friendly vehicles–if U.S. makers create them. My bet is that the E.A. will get more that number of digital signatures.…

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