Well, we were talking about pests and bugs last week. These mantra-adorned “bug catchers,” which appear to be nothing more than sweet little boxes that can serve as holding tanks for your bugs as you walk them to the door, are lovingly sold at The Foundation Store. These help–by making me smile–but they don’t solve…

I took my children to see an excellent revival of “West Side Story” yesterday and was happy to behold that they gave the show a standing ovation (kids generally love standing ovations). I drove home singing songs from the world-famous musical aloud until the kids politely asked me to shut up, and then I continued…

Check out this depressing, but marvelously executed article on plastic, adapted from Alan Weisman’s book “The World Without Us”, which will be published by St. Martin’s Press this month. Every bit of plastic ever manufactured is still with us on the earth, and a lot of it is in the ocean.

As I was walking our dog down a country road in Western Massachusetts this morning, I was thinking about how taming the wilderness is such a natural human impulse. I’ve been unsettled by the disease-carrying deer ticks our dog keeps bringing into the country house, and I was longing for the seeming civility of Brooklyn…

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