Have you noticed the songs of the birds returning to your neighborhood? I’m always amazed at how they spring into song the moment the weather warms. Our parakeet, who recently died, was a marathon warbler. Three years ago, we bred him with a cute female by giving the smitten pair a bigger cage and wood…

Those of you reading this blog Tuesday evening will appreciate that tomorrow, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 a.m., the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06 That won’t ever happen again. Thanks so much to Rev. Vic Fuhrman, interfaith minister, wedding officiant, and Reiki master for notifying me!

My fourth-grade son is required to write a 600-word biography of the Portuguese navigator Esteban Gomez, a man known for establishing that there was no easy trade route to China through the New World, around 1524. Because the young Chattering can’t type and because I’m a little irritated with his school for not teaching him,…

Did you catch actor Hal Holbrook (in the guise of a hospital patient) tell Tony Soprano last night that “We are all connected. We are all one”? Later in the program, the nation’s favorite gangster confesses that he’s thinking we are all part of “something bigger.” Finally, at episode’s close, Tony stares up into the…

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