Well, the Olympic Games are over, but I can’t get skier Bode Miller out of my head. “Mom, I think you have a crush on that guy,” said one of the impish Chattering boys. “No, no, that’s not it,” I protested. (I didn’t volunteer that I HAD seen a photo of Miller shirtless, and that…

Excerpts from a nice interview with Richard Gere on why he thinks we should all care more about Africa and AIDS aired Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” If you missed it, you can catch it here.

Gosh, the posts about Beliefnet’s homepage reorganization and the naming of the “Spirituality” department were just fantastic. So many good people with really smart ideas. The decision will take some time, and we will keep you posted, but we are currently warming to “Holistic Spirituality” (suggested by loyal readers chanteuse and Mary). “Holistic Spirituality” is…

In case you missed it, renowned Buddhist authority, spiritual activist, and Beliefnet.com columnist Lama Surya Das was on “The Colbert Report” with Stephen Colbert earlier this week. True, his holiness the Dalai Lama has appeared on both Barbara Walters’s and Larry King’s programs, but Lama Surya Das’s courageous interaction with the mischievous Colbert is something…

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