I love the reader who volunteered this helpful correction: “Having just read ‘Jane Eyre’ a couple months ago (for the first time, at age 37), I have to comment that the madwoman in the attic was named Bertha Mason. Grace Poole was her alcoholic keeper–though I’m sure she didn’t look too great in the morning…

On Wednesday, I mentioned Sam Harris’s blog post about scientists partaking in a group meditation retreat. Later that afternoon, I spied a provocative article by Harris called ‘Taking the Religion Out of Buddhism’ touted on the cover of the March 2006 Shambhala Sun (an incredibly good magazine, by the way). Shambhala Sun’s website doesn’t yet…

“I don’t worry about the right-wingers on AM radio. They are talking to an audience that is stuck in rush-hour traffic, in whom road rage is mounting, and the talk shows divert their rage from the road to the liberal conspiracy against America. Instead of ramming your rear bumper, they get mad at Harry Reid.…

A reader recommended the works and website of Maria Cilley, a.k.a. “Fly Lady,” many weeks ago. Wow. What a reservoir of quirky but sensible advice on how to organize your home for maximum health and effectiveness. While the tips on Fly Lady’s website are not overtly spiritual, Cilley and co-author Leanne Ely make it abundantly…

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