You may be seeking deeper intimacy. Spiritual intimacy. You may be wanting to be known more deeply and seen more truly–by your partner or by your own gorgeous self. You may want to be relished, ravaged, broken open, loved for who you truly are. What a coincidence–Valentine’s Day is coming up. Here is what the…

I caught the tail end of PBS’s program on Deitrich Bonhoeffer last night, and I was so moved by the quote used to end the program, that I ran to my desk to find the paragraph online. Actually, what’s interesting, is that this famous passage from a letter to Bonhoeffer’s wife is often condensed. And…

Chattering Mind is now on an e-mailed Beliefnet newsletter called GLOW that can rest peacefully within your virtual inbox of work memos, love letters, and spam, gently beckoning you to open it up and savor its helpful contents. “Helloooooo. Find peace. Open GLOW.” Don’t you hear the music? Don’t you already feel more relaxed? Actually,…

Speaking of relationships…. I once met a man at a party who said he was getting a divorce. “Oh, I’m so so sorry,” I said. “It’s okay,” said he. “I didn’t really know my wife.” Then I lamented, “Oh! Well! Who’s to say anyone ever really knows anyone these days!” “No, really,” the man insisted.”We…

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