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Chattering Mind
Chattering Mind
Listening is Love
Chattering Mind
by Dr. Susan CorsoI know Amy wrote about this gorgeous video last month (Thursday, April 19, 2007), but someone who loves me sent it to me today and I had to add my nickel. Thousand-Hand Guan Yin is the name of this exquisite record of a brilliant Chinese dance company. It’s a love letter, an…
I Pick . . . Um, Evolution
Chattering Mind
by Dr. Susan CorsoI love Ken Wilber’s mind. He’s a genius, a deep thinker, and a wonderful synthesist. Sometimes when I read his writing, I feel like he’s done my homework for me. Join his mind online and be prepared to soar with his thoughts. At the recommendation of a friend, I am reading Wilber’s…
What’s In a Name?
Chattering Mind
by Dr. Susan Corso, Oh, just everything. The name of something is its nature. Think of nearly every fairy tale ever written. Being a namer of anything gives one power. The first time I saw the title of the book I am about to recommend, I froze. No, I shivered. Shivered deep into my…
A Parking Nightmare
Chattering Mind
by Dr. Susan Corso, Although I’m a New Yorker, I am living in the oh-so-civilized city of Boston for the moment. Which means–a car. This was not the weekend for a car in Boston. For every Massachusetts license plate I saw, there were two from out of town. Not only did drivers have no…
We All Want The Same Thing
Chattering Mind
Many thanks to Valerie Reiss and Amy Cunningham for their invitation to be a Guest Blogger for Chattering Mind this week. by Dr. Susan Corso, I was doing my cursory flip through Newsweek when the headline in an ad caught my eye. We all want the same thing. I’ve been saying this same sentence…
You Can Write to Change Your Life
Chattering Mind
Do you believe that anyone can learn to be an author, that every life is worth the telling, and that the process of writing is a valuable, life-long spiritual activity? Those are the stated beliefs of the International Women’s Writing Guild. For 30 years the group has sponsored a summer conference that draws some 500…
Wiccans Still Misunderstood
Chattering Mind
Well, at least the New York Times didn’t run this story about Wiccans on Halloween, which is what mainstream newspapers most often do. And some helpful information here is dispensed: the Times states that Wiccans aren’t devil worshipers, and that they’re out there working regular jobs, living normal lives. But check out the black cat…
Dr. Susan Corso Sits in Next Week
Chattering Mind
Oh, are you in luck! Next week, while I’m managing the festivities that will surround my 13-year-old son’s bar mitzvah, Susan Corso will be blogging in this space. Corso is the author of “God’s Dictionary: Divine Definitions for Everyday Enlightenment,” which provids a spiritual take on everyday words, such as disappointment (“not chosen”), companion (“sharing…
You CAN Give a Loving Wedding Toast!
Chattering Mind
Well, it is that time of year again when you go to a wedding and come home chattering over how painful some of the wedding toasts were. The warm, loving wedding toast seems to have fallen by the wayside in this age of reality television and talk show therapy. Today, we must hear how many…
‘May Our Spirits Come to You Without Shame’
Chattering Mind
Here’s a Native American blessing, good for reading and adapting for any sacred occasion. It’s not a bad prayer to actually whisper to yourself before you start writing or presenting your wedding toast! O Great Spirit, whose breath gives life to the world, and whose voice is heard in the soft breeze:We need your strength…
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