Chattering Mind

Writes reader Paul M. Martin: “..while I grew up with Christianity telling me to be good, in Buddhism I found many concrete practices for how to go about it.” His post led me to his excellent “Original Faith” blog, which I think might interest you also. Have a look. He has a masters in religious…

My 12-year-old-son is home today, slightly ill. Not too ill. Not so ill he can’t make dioramas of the Battle of the Alamo with plastic toy soldiers on the floor of our family room. He just rushed into my office asking for something he could make “blood” with. Blood? Yeah, blood for Jim Bowie’s death.…

“As for the world’s future, I am not so discouraged as many are. Granted that the old, easygoing optimism is impossible!…Nevertheless at threescore years and eighteen I find this generation the most stimulating, exciting, provocative – yes, promising – era I have ever seen or read about. I am not yet ready to die. I…

If I could go away for extended meditation retreats and study Buddhism with full heart and mind, I would want to be listening with expanded focus to the teachings of Lama Surya Das. Some people feel he has over-Americanized Buddhism, loosened its strictures, made the cushion a little too comfortable, but his writings speak to…

On Sunday, my younger son sang with his school chorus to some 3,000 Montessori teachers, all here in New York City for their annual meeting. The performance went just fine. But then our whole family stayed on for the keynote address given by Jonathan Zozol, the country’s angriest and most influential public education critic, most…

Here at the Chattering home, we are sorting receipts and bills in preparation to take a fat envelope of records to the tax preparer. I’m confident you are doing the same thing, or preparing to do so. Have a look at this prayer I found by Lynn Robinson, first published in her book “Real Prosperity.”…

Some 1,430 vintage Easter postcards (with chicks, cherubs, crosses and more) are currently for sale on I sometimes buy antique post cards in thrift stores (with their odd, cryptic messages and old addresses on the back), remount them, and send them to my closest friends. You can also maintain a small frame on your…

This week’s Newsweek details the spiritual journey of Boston University professor Steve Prothero, author of the new book “Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know–and Doesn’t.” His beef is that while most Americans claim they are religious or spiritual, they actually know very little about the history of the views that they and others…

Lots of couples are booking churches or ballrooms and vying for group hotel rates so that they might be wed on the upcoming weekend of July 7th, 2007 (o7/07/07). Sevens are lucky. Or sacred, or something, right? No, not in this case, says astrologer Shelley Ackerman of “07/07/07 is not the time to take…

Every now and then, I get depressed about this blog. I worry that I’m trying to cover too much. I think that I’m aggravating the nerves in my hands (I have tendonitis in my forearms). I believe that I’m not as fast or prolific as other talented people we know. I ponder how I could…

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