Chattering Mind

Thanks to CM reader Johanna for writing this: “Can we take Down Syndrome off the list of socially acceptable reasons to terminate a pregnancy? …Many people are misled into thinking that a diagnosis of Down Syndrome is a death sentence for the child or the family. This is simply not the case. My son, who…

Here’s a motherly tip, unaffiliated with any particular religious wisdom tradition: Do one small thing today that will prepare you for cooler weather and the holidays at year’s end. Bring your sweaters out of storage, choose dates for your own year-end party with friends, buy three presents and tuck them aside, contemplate your holiday card…

“WE are the saviors. We are the help. We are the hands and ears and eyes of heaven and earth. Evolution is happening through us, not to us. We are like the leaves on the maple tree outside my window. Some of us are green. Some have changed to yellow, and some have evolved to…

I am grateful to CM reader Pacific231 for taking the time to write this: “I am hardly the most appropriate person to stick up for Christianity. But the exceptional author and scholar Marcus Borg notes that when atheists set out to debunk ‘God,’ they are debunking the ‘supernatural theism’ view of God, the view that…

A large spider wove a perfect web outside our kitchen window yesterday, giving it a deliberately-built front row seat for tomorrow’s full moon in Aries, which will rise right over our tiny garden. Tomorrow’s full moon is almost everybody’s favorite, the moon closest to the Autumn Equinox, the Harvest Moon whose light, says Waverly Fitzgerald…

The Harvest Moon The flame-red moon, the harvest moon,Rolls along the hills, gently bouncing,A vast balloon,Till it takes off, and sinks upwardTo lie on the bottom of the sky, like a gold doubloon.The harvest moon has come,Booming softly through heaven, like a bassoon.And the earth replies all night, like a deep drum. So people can’t…

How touching, sad, and beautiful that the Harvest Moon will be glowing over the Amish farms of Pennsylvania, as families gather to grieve the little girls murdered this week. Here’s a fragment of T.W. Burger’s article for Religion News Service about how the Amish bury their dead. “The bodies of the dead will be dressed…

A thoughtful blogger, meditation teacher, Soto Zen monk, and Dharma store owner named Genryu has asked if any CM readers see the irony in the fact that I quoted Chögyam Trungpa’s famous passage on spiritual materialism (examining how some people collect spiritual beliefs as if they were attractive antiques) in a blog that–I know–sometimes seem…–formerly called–is up and running. Here’s the company’s current roster of videos featuring spiritual and holistic teachers like Dr. Andrew Weil, Larry Dorsey, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Cheri Huber. Here’s where you’ll find features like “Yoga for a Healthy Back” and other wellness films. Click here to see free snippets of films on the…

Of course, no one is proud of her abortion. But Ms. magazine is collecting the stories and signatures of more than 5000 women who’ve had abortions and are not ashamed.

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