Chattering Mind

Has the urge to go Green ruffled your nesting instincts? Today, I scanned this impressive list of environmentally-sound home product manufacturers compiled by “Home Safe Home” author Debra Lynn Dadd.

Do you work in a place where deadlines aren’t respected and coworkers complain about management behind closed doors? Does every morning pep talk get ridiculed at lunch? Do you ever feel as though there’s a sameness to everything and that your work life is oddly reminiscent of your days at home as a kid? Even…

Oh, I loved this article about hikers who gather in pro-barefoot groups to traverse the world’s trails without shoes. Learn more about their activities through The Society for Barefoot Living’s website.

Rabbi Michael Lerner has posted an item on a blog for “Spiritual Progressives” in which he encourages everyone to “take advantage of the Jewish custom of repentance at the High Holy Days” (a period of soul-searching and renewal that launched last Saturday evening and continues through October 2). Lerner writes: “This year every American has…

Blessed is the grace that crowns the sky with stars, and keeps the planets on their ways; the law that turns our night to day, and fills the eye with light; the love that keeps us whole, and day by day sustains us.” –page 99, Rosh Hashanah Morning Service I, “Gates of Repentance: The New…

In the name of eating seasonally, Ayurvedic teacher John Douillard, Ph.D., recommends eating two to four apples a day from now until Halloween, “along with more pomegranates, other ripe seasonal fruit, and veggies.” If you’ve got a moment, try his body type quiz to discover if you’re Vata, Pitta, or Kapha. You’ll never look at…

I was thinking that telegraphing love to irritating people and struggling to keep lines of communication open were the themes of my week alone, but apparently, we’re all under the influence of a new moon and solar eclipse that can release negativity, and tempt us to sweat “small stuff.” Here’s what April Elliott Kent wrote…

New Age business mogul Sir Richard Branson has always favored yoga, meditation, and massage. Now, he’s devoting a huge chunk of his fortune to find cleaner fuels.

“Just as the Spring Equinox is about new growth and activity, the Autumn Equinox is about putting things away. It’s a day for putting your house in order, making sure you have the supplies you need, canning fruits, assessing your home to make sure it will be tight against winter storms, making sure your finances…

You do not have to be good.You do not have to walk on your kneesfor a hundred miles through the desert repenting.You only have to let the soft animal of your bodylove what it loves.Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.Meanwhile the world goes on.Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles…

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