A Christmas nativity is by far one of the most recognizable symbols of the Christmas season. It’s almost impossible to go through the season without seeing a nativity scene in some fashion.
‘The Christ Child,’ a new short film, is a powerful depiction of the Nativity story that narrates in great detail the sacred events found in the Bible about Jesus’ birth over 2,000 years ago.
The short film not only displays the true focus of Christmas which is Jesus, but is also a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas, which is God’s love for us through Jesus.
The word nativity is taken from the Latin nativus, which means “arisen by birth.” Most of us are familiar with the Nativity of Jesus, the story that chronicles the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Many Christians celebrate Jesus’ birth by setting up a nativity display or reenacting the nativity story as a reminder of Jesus’ entry into the world and the true meaning of the Christmas season.
Some make the nativity scene a big focus both inside and outside of the home which really brings the story of Jesus’ birth to life. You’ve likely seen a nativity scene display in front of a church, maybe even in the form of a live demonstration.
There are those who place the scene in their front yards, on their mantles or entry tables. There are others who will hide the baby Jesus nativity figure and have family members “seek” Him before opening any gifts. This is a great way for children (and for us) to remember the holiday is not their birthday but His.
While nativity displays are meaningful reminders for us, it’s important that we remember that the nativity story is far more than a timeline leading up to the Lord’s birth. It is a powerful reminder that without Christ’s birth, there is no good news – there is no one who dies for our sins and restores our relationship with the God who created us.
John 3:16-17 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.”
The most important thing about the nativity is its message to the world. The child who was born to Mary and laid in a manger would one day grow up to die on a cross and rise again so each and every person who believes in Him may receive forgiveness for sin and eternity in heaven (1 Peter 1:3-4). The true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of this incredible act of love, sacrifice and forgiveness, incredibly displayed through the film.
Be sure to watch the Facebook premiere of the film on the I Love the Bible Facebook page on Saturday, November 23rd at 1:30pm EST.
Get a sneak peek of the official trailer below and learn more about the significance of this special first Christmas with the Light of the World – our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Visit http://www.LightTheWorld.org to learn more.