When you first imagine a witch, you think of the witches you see in cartoons. Most of them have green skin, warts, and long fingernails. We think of Halloween specials and costumes with black dresses and pointy hats. However, there are real women in the world who practice witchcraft and look like regular people. They don’t come around solely during Halloween, but they live just like those who don’t practice witchcraft. Before she accepted Jesus in her life, Jenny Weaver spent nine years practicing witchcraft, abusing drugs, and self-harming. Weaver said that it was demons who told her to cut herself.

Her curiosity in witchcraft started innocently. Her interest began in her teenage years. Weaver grew up in a Christian home, but she felt that her parents and other family members mistreated her. She had a few friends in school, but a group of girls would bully her because she had vitiligo, which causes parts of the skin to lose pigmentation. Weaver felt like an outsider at home and school, causing her to suffer from severe depression and battles with self-worth. When she was 13, Weaver went to a friend’s house where she became captivated with the 1996 film “The Craft,” a movie about four high school witches who sought revenge on their bullies.

After watching the movie, Weaver started reading and studying about how she could become a witch. Her trek into the supernatural started harmlessly; Weaver would burn sage and use healing crystals to find inner happiness and access power from the demonic spiritual realm. However, before she knew it, she started exploring witch spells and other occult practices. Weaver would then move into a home with a roommate who was also a practicing witch, a descendant from a long line of witches. In that home, Weaver and her roommate experienced an evil presence in the house. Because she was practicing witchcraft, Weaver also started experimenting with drugs, becoming addicted to meth and heroin.

Weaver was also fighting a self-harming addiction. She would cut herself every day because she says the demons allegedly summoned through witchcraft told her to do so. At one point, Weaver looked down at her arm and saw 56 cuts. At this point, Weaver stopped practicing witchcraft because she felt those same demons would kill her in her sleep. However, she continued to use drugs, cut herself, and eventually became homeless. One evening, Weaver was in a hotel room, tired of running and what her life had become. She felt like she was at rock bottom. She cried out to God, asking Him for His help to get her away from this life.

A few days later, Weaver was arrested at that hotel. On her way to jail, a female officer started talking to her about Jesus Christ. The officer told Weaver that God had a plan for her life. After that encounter, Weaver stopped using drugs and gave her life to God. Now in her late 30s, she openly shares her testimony about finding Christ. Jenny Weaver is just one example of how your life can change once you give it to Jesus. All you have to do is call out to Him and ask for His help. He’ll take care of the rest.

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