Everyone has their thoughts of what will happen when the rapture comes. Pastor Jimmy Evans, the founder of the multi-campus Trinity Fellowship Church in Texas, recently gave a guest sermon on the End Times at Ed Young’s Fellowship Church. He touched on the rapture and shared his opinion against the teaching of the teaching evolution. Evans’ sermon was called “The Right Side of the Levee.” He told the audience that salvation is a gift from God for people who accept Jesus in their lives. According to Evans, accepting Christ is the only qualification that you need to be saved when the period of tribulation starts on earth.

Evans said, “Jesus came to redeem us. When we were dead in our trespasses, He loved us. Isn’t that wonderful? Even when we were against Him, He was for us. And [the Bible] says: ‘By grace, you have been saved through faith. It’s a free gift. You can’t earn salvation.” The 67-year-old continued, “We all have issues, and when Jesus comes, we’ll all be imperfect. If you know Jesus, you’re going to get raptured. If you know Jesus, you’re going to Heaven.”

Evans also said that Christians can’t fully understand the repercussions of what’s happening in the world today and its correlation to the End Times until they know their identity in Christ. He also used his sermon to speak against teachings on evolution, which he says goes against what’s written in the Bible. According to Evans, evolution is satanic teaching that tells us we came from an accident. We came from nowhere, we’re going nowhere, and our lives are meaningless.

Evans continued, “There was the goo, and then the zoo and then me and you. And we’re teaching an entire generation those lies. I heard someone say one time, ‘It’s no surprise that children act like animals when they’re taught that’s all they are.” Evans said that we were made in the image of God, and we’re His family. We came from God, and He lives inside of us. When it’s all said and done, we’re going back to God. He cited the first two chapters and last two chapters of the Bible that say God created mankind in “His image to live with Him in paradise.”

The pastor also touched on how Christians struggle to believe that God loves them despite their flaws. He compared God’s love for us to a parent’s love for their toddler. Despite how sticky and dirty they can get, parents still love their toddlers because they’re yours. God loves us in the same way. No matter what we do or how dirty we get, God still loves us and opens His arms to us.

Evans ended his sermon discussing the rapture again. He said that the earth will go through a seven-year tribulation period during the final days, which will be “Hell on earth” and the ‘worst seven years in human history.’ Before this tribulation, he said those who know Jesus will be taken up in the clouds with Jesus. He warned that there are about 8 billion people in the world today, but only 2 billion identify as Christians. However, he stressed that he thinks hundreds of millions of people will be saved during the tribulation.

His last thoughts during the sermon were that Christians shouldn’t be afraid of the End Times. However, don’t let Satan get in your head and make you question your salvation. Evans also said that we shouldn’t be afraid to live our lives. He says to plan like Jesus isn’t coming back for 100 years, but live like He’s coming back today. Until the End Times come, we must continue to live our lives through God and pray. When it does come, we’ll be prepared to go with Jesus.

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