Many believe the ‘triple threat’ solar storm headed for the earth fulfills a biblical prophecy from the book of Revelations that describes an apocalypse and the second coming of Jesus. The “triple threat” solar storm is a coronal mass ejection (CME), solar flare and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) all hitting the earth at the same time.
This storm is coming on the heal of another solar storm that blasted across earth recently and in the middle of extremely strong solar winds.
The storm could be one of the most significant natural disasters the world has ever seen. If the three events hit Earth, NASA says that they could cause widespread power outages and make GPS systems useless for up to 18 months and potentially knock out power grids for nearly 10 years. The oil that is already in a crisis could become even more scarce with the industry not being able to refine it, leading to more catastrophic events.
Having power outages and no oil to go anywhere could cause millions of people to die from not reaching medicine and food. Scientists have predicted that if the three events hit simultaneously, they could kill up to 2 billion people.
Adamant Christian believers argue that this coming storm is the sign of an imminent apocalypse as described in the book of Revelations. Revelations say God will release asteroids and meteorites, and we will see fires and fireballs among the trees and grass burning up.
And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun, and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. Revelation 16 verse 8
Solar storms of this magnitude typically only strike once every 500 years. The last and most significant solar storm hit earth back in 1859, causing the skies to be filled with blood-red Auroras and fires to break out in multiple telegraph stations. The coming solar storm will have a much more significant impact on the earth. Many believers, including doomsday preppers, encourage people to prepare for the ‘end of times and start praying because they could face judgment day pretty soon.
While many scientists do not take the warnings seriously, a lot of reputable scholars give credence to evidence that the world is set for a catastrophic disaster, whether it’s meteorological or ecological.
Many believers think the apocalypse described in the book of Revelations is already happening. America has grown ‘cold’ towards God, becoming more secular and we’ve seen natural disasters already unfolding, so the ‘end of times’ is undoubtedly a possibility.
So many Christians believe they are ready for the apocalypse shall it come because they have figured it out. We as humans should not be so naive to think we know the Lord’s plans in full and should be prepared for anything that unfolds on humanity or earth, for that matter.