
A new Christian app is being praised for bringing God back to Hollywood.

Since the pandemic began, apps and virtual communities have been growing at increasingly fast rates, but the one that is gaining the most traction is a new Christian-based app. The Glorify app was created by 22-year-old Ed Beccle. The creator and co-CEO said he saw a need for the Christian app because of his own beliefs around religion and commercial opportunity.

“When we first came up with the concept for Glorify, we knew we were onto something big, but as we met with investors, it soon became clear that we’ve managed to capture lightning in a bottle,” said Ed Beccle.

When the pandemic started, in-person services were put on a halt. That left Churches were scrambling to find a way to reach their members, and it left its’ members scrambling to find a way to worship and maintain their relationship with God. Even now, as restrictions have been lifted, a large majority of congregants have not returned to in-person worship. Churches must use technology to create new ways to connect with their members and to continue teaching the Gospel. This app aims to bring its’ users closer to God, which is always a good thing.

“It’s just a ridiculously exciting time. I feel like I am constantly pinching myself,” said Beccle

The company has impressively raised 40 million dollars in funding from some of Hollywood’s biggest celebrities, including Kris Jenner, singer Jason Derulo, and singer-songwriter Michael Bublé. In an industry known for its’ anti-faith stance, it’s inspiring to see celebrities openly funding a company when Christianity is front and center in its’ mission.

In a recent interview, Bublé stated, “What I love about this company is that it was started by two very young guys who have a real faith-based mission. I know there are a lot of companies out there that say they have values-based missions, but this company really walks the talk.”

The app has quickly become one of the most popular faith-based apps on the market and is changing the way Hollywood thinks about Christianity. The app may play a part in making Christianity more mainstream and less taboo. We’ve seen so many actors get canceled and slammed for their religious beliefs, and now it looks like Hollywood is finally pushing back. These celebrities could have kept their identities private but chose to go public without any fear of backlash.

The funding the app received should put the faith-based tech space on notice that investors are interested in this area. This could lead to more startups tackling various issues within the faith-based community, such as how to make prayer more accessible or how to create social networks for religious believers.

It’s good to see Hollywood investing in faith and putting the focus back on empowering Christians.

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