Ainsley Earhardt, co-host of Fox News’s “Fox and Friends” segment has been promoting her new children’s book by Zonderkidz, I’m So Glad You Were Born: Celebrating Who You Are and talking about the faith that has driven her to write. During “Fox and Friends” last week, Earhardt revealed the phrase’s origins from her mother. “This is kind of my message to my mom. That I love you and I’m so glad you were born — and thank you for all the sacrifices you made,” she said. She had written two other children’s books based on things she had learned from her father and now it was time to focus on something she had received from her mother. She also revealed how the phrase has made it around to coworkers at Fox, noting how one of the first times she had said it was on co-host Steve Doocy’s birthday. “And he was kind of taken aback,” she recalled. “And it was completely true. I was so glad that day had occurred and that he was born, because I felt God was using him to change so many lives and because we all love him so much.” The expression then became common amongst others on the team. Earhardt also credited Doocy’s wife, Kathy, with encouraging her to write another children’s book with the title.
The book focuses mainly on the love Earhardt has for her own daughter, Hayden, but Earhardt said it had a message for every child. “We can say to them, ‘I’m just so glad you were born. Thanks for blessing my life.’ And moms and dads can write a note in the book itself about why they love their child so much and how they’re grateful for the years they’ve spent together,” she said. She stated she wanted to encourage children to believe in themselves and to know that they are loved. In a prior interview with Tampa Bay Parenting, Earhardt spoke of her own upbringing, saying, “The best, most valuable imprint my parents gave (and still give) me is the importance of faith. They taught me to believe in God and His love and mercy. I go to church, not because I have to, but because I need to.”
Earhardt was also on The 700 Club promoting the book. When asked about why it is important for children to read about God’s purpose in bringing them into the world, she said, “Because we are going to have hard times. We’re going to have ups and downs in life, and you’re going to have valleys and you’re going to have mountains. But through it all, God says, ‘Take heart, I have overcome the world.’ And I love that Scripture, because it reminds me that, no matter what you’re going through, He has already overcome it.” She also talked about her own purpose in sharing the Gospel in her work. “I really feel like God chose me for this position because He wanted me to be bold and wanted me to share the Gospel. And Fox allows that and now, with these children’s books, sharing the message to children to the next generation, which is so important, is just such an honor.” Earhardt’s book is now available online and wherever books are sold.