With the release of his new devotional, Mission Possible, Tim Tebow continues to make the rounds speaking about the importance of being bold in faith. Speaking with CBN Faithwire, he stated that sharing his faith is an act of love, saying, “I think it’s the most loving thing that we could do. If you really believe the rescue mission of Jesus Christ … of what He did for us on the cross … a great joy for all the people, and if I’ve been able to receive this free gift … and if I don’t share that with someone else, that’s not loving. It’s actually selfish, and the most loving thing that I can do is to share that in a kind and loving way.”
A 2016 study found that a large number of unchurched Americans, 47%, were open to discussing religious belief. However, despite nearly two-thirds of them stating they had Christian friends, only 29% stated that a Christian had ever shared their faith with them. 40% stated no one had ever shared the Gospel with them. Tebow pushed back against that type of timidity from Christians, saying, “Ultimately, I think all of us in our flesh want comfort. We desire comfort and we work for comfort,” he said. “But what we realize in our walk with the Lord … the more we get outside of our comfort zone, a lot of times the more impact we can have.” He discussed the title of his devotional and the importance of the God-given mission of each individual, saying, “It’s a title that I love, because it’s an encouragement to me, and it motivates me. When you understand that you do have a mission and you understand it’s possible, I think it can be a driving force in our life.”
Tebow also spoke as the Keynote speaker at the Restaurant Finance & Development Conference (RFDC) on Monday where he encouraged his listeners to pursue significance over success as a driving force. Tebow attended the conference as a brand ambassador of Clean Juice, a certified organic juice brand that increased its number of stores from 1 to 100 in the last five years. His talked moved from having faith to cultivating a passion that leads to action. After reflecting on his time in the NFL, he defined passion for his audience saying, “Passion means you care so much, you’re willing to sacrifice for it. I would add one more thing to that. It’s not just, do you have passion, but do you have compassion? Compassion meaning, you care so much for someone you’re willing to suffer with them.”
Tebow has spent the years since his NFL days as a philanthropist and he shared some of his experiences that really opened his eyes to the need in the world. In 2007 after winning the Heisman Trophy, he was invited on a trip to Thailand. There he witnessed extreme poverty, with people lined up in a massive field to receive food. One of the locals brought Tebow’s attention to a little boy squatting in a sewage ditch. The malnourished boy was dressed in one of Tebow’s jerseys. Tebow recalled his shock, saying, “This little boy who was starving for food, and starving for hope, was wearing an orange and blue No. 15 Florida Gators Tim Tebow jersey. It was just so shocking, because it’s a time when everyone was saying, ‘you’re successful, the most successful individually.’ But I’m looking at this boy, and it’s a contrast to that. What could a game do for that boy? Nothing. But what could I do for him? A lot.”