A Michigan priest has posted a series of TikTok videos detailing his experiences in Hell. Gerald Johnson stated that he had a heart attack in February 2016 and had died briefly. “My spirit left my physical body, and I thought I was on my way up [to Heaven]. I thought I did so much good during my…

Decatur County Sheriff / Facebook
The Decatur County Detention Center in Greensburg, IN, took to social media to celebrate the new year with the announcement of nearly 40 men and women inmates being baptized. “What a great way to celebrate Christmas and a New Year!” the post announced. “DCDC Chaplain Dave Burnett, along with REC members, baptized nearly 40 men…

U.S. Coast Guard
The United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) in New York has been forced to cover up a massive painting of Jesus with a white curtain after complaints from an advocacy group, The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF). The Foundation’s mission is “ensuring that all members of the United States Armed Forces fully receive the Constitutional guarantees of…

Country music icon Dolly Parton celebrated her 77th birthday by releasing a song she received from God in a dream. “I got up, and I started writing this song over a period of weeks, months,” the music legend shared in an Instagram video announcing the release of  the new single, “Don’t Make Me Have to Come Down…

Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons
A NASA astronaut who formerly held the American record for cumulative days in space says he believes science and the Bible are in harmony, not conflict. Astronaut Jeffrey Williams took part in four space missions from 2000 to 2016, first on the Space Shuttle Atlantis and the next three aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket to the International…

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