s_bukley / Shutterstock.com
Candace Cameron Bure took to Instagram to encourage her followers to read the whole Bible. “Who’s reading and listening to The Bible Recap with me?” she wrote. She told her followers it’s “never too late.” In her video message, she told her followers not to worry about falling behind and that “you’re right where God wants you…

Billy Hallowell spoke with Rev. Lazarus Yeghnazar, founder of Transform Iran, on Faithwire last week to speak about the growing number of Christians in Iran, despite conversion to Christianity being illegal. Yeghnazar’s organization works with underground churches and shared that many conversions are a result of visions and dreams that people are having. The visions have such an impact that, despite the…

The National Churches Trust / Flickr
Bear Grylls is the first to admit he’s something of an unconventional Christian. The survivalist and TV host is unabashedly open about his faith and how it serves as his foundation for an empowered life. But he doesn’t want to sanitize his message to make it inoffensive to a religious audience; frankly, he doesn’t have…

@livinggodstruth / Twitter
The Mall of America continues to face backlash for its treatment of a Christian man wearing a “Jesus Saves” shirt. The video, which was shared on various social media outlets, shows a man named Paul Shoro in a confrontation over his “Jesus Saves” shirt with mall security guards. In the video, Shoro is seen wearing a bright…

Louvre Museum / Wikimedia Commons
Researchers have confirmed that the Mesha Stele, also known as the Moabite Stone, contains references to King David of the Bible. The stele is a basalt stone slab that was discovered originally in 1868, east of the Dead Sea. A missionary named F.A. Klein had found the stone, which piqued the interest of scholar Charles Clemont-Ganneau, who sent…

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