Unite Auburn/Facebook
Over 200 students at an Alabama college were baptized in one night after a campus worship program reportedly attended by hundreds. The baptisms took place in a lake at Auburn’s Red Barn venue, about a half mile from Auburn University’s Neville Arena, the site of a “Unite Auburn” worship event that drew a massive crowd.…

North American Mission Board/Facebook
Over 150 U.S. Army soldiers were baptized during basic training at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri this summer. Southern Baptist Convention chaplain Cpt. Logan Lair told Baptist Press that trainees have been “hungry to learn about spirituality and their spiritual strength,” with 84 getting baptized in July and 73 in August. Lair said he was…

Sisters of Mary, Queen of Apostles
The Abbey of Our Lady of Ephesus, nestled ten minutes outside the small town of Gower, Missouri, is turning heads after speculation of an apparent miracle. This past April, the sisters of the abbey decided to exhume the body of Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster, who had died four years earlier at the age of 95. The…

As excavations continue on the Pool of Siloam, archaeologists have gone on to uncover 8 steps that have been hidden for at least 2,000 years. The Pool is significant as the site where Jesus healed a blind man and is referenced in the Old Testament as well. The Pool itself was found by chance in…

Public Domain.
A theologian claims archaeological finds in Jordan prove the biblical city of Sodom existed. Scientists previously found evidence that the ancient city of Tall el-Hammam in the southern Jordan Valley was destroyed in a disastrous event. Dr. John Bergsma, a professor of Theology at Ohio’s Franciscan University, suggests such an event echoes what’s in the…

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