A Michigan couple was in for a surprise while cleaning out an abandoned semi-trailer left on their property. Joyce and Larry Schramm, who own a storage facility where the semi was abandoned, told WJBK-TV they discovered a 172-year-old Bible filled with letters, cards, and marriage and death certificates. Even more remarkable, the Bible was the…

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is celebrating God’s movement during its Fields of Faith(FOF) event at Lakeside High School Stadium in Hot Springs, AR, on October 11. Micah May, multi-area director for FCA South Central Arkansas, reported that over 3,000 people, mainly students, attended the event. He credited God for the event’s success. “We…

A Mississippi teacher was reprimanded after the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) found out the teacher had been leaving prayer cards under students’ desks. The teacher, who has remained unidentified, was apparently found out through a Facebook post. A local grandmother in the area had posted about encouraging friends to pray for students in public…

As Israelis continue to process the horror that unfolded earlier this month when Hamas terrorists attacked and murdered innocent people, a sign of God’s love and peace emerged. Yael Eckstein, CEO of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ), has been on the ground with her organization to provide food, resources, and comfort to…

More than half of Americans say they wish they read the Bible more but fail to do so for several reasons, including a lack of time. That’s according to the latest release from the American Bible Society’s State of the Bible report, which shows that 52 percent of Americans wish to read the Bible more. Meanwhile, 14…

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