Richard Lorenzo Jr. is a Christian pastor, but that wasn’t always the case. At one time, the ex-warlock was embroiled in the occult, engaging in evil and urging others to do the same. However, that all changed in 2019 when Lorenzo accepted Jesus. He recently told CBN Digital, “I definitely was possessed. I was hearing voices; I was literally hearing voices.”
Lorenzo’s journey into the occult started like many others. He found himself with worldly goals quickly getting checked off his list. From travel to money and women, Lorenzo had everything he wanted, but it wasn’t enough. He said, “I was still empty inside, so that question would run through my mind constantly: ‘What’s the purpose of life? What are we doing here?’”
He eventually dove deep into selling drugs, but when a huge drug package went missing, he became obsessed with finding out who took it. That’s when he turned to an unexpected source to try and find the answer: a voodoo priest. In fact, Lorenzo went all the way to Haiti to meet with the occultist. He said, “I got back to America, and that’s when things went crazy.”
Lorenzo said his emotions intensified, and he ended up on a “crazy path.” Soon, he was so obsessed with evil that he forgot about the package and became enthralled with supernaturalism. The subsequent journey led him into the bowels of the occult, diving so deep into the abyss that he gave up everything to study such practices. Lorenzo said, explaining the descent, “I went to more voodoo priests in L.A., and psychics, and mediums. I know I was possessed. I used to believe that the things I was doing were right.”
He continued, “I used to believe abortion is right. I would convince people about abortion, convince people to get drunk, to cheat on their wives. I was literally working for the devil.” But all of that changed when he found Jesus.