Martine Kaspersen / Innlandet County Municipality
Norway’s Innlandet County Municipality has recently revealed the discovery of a very rare golden coin that features the face of Jesus Christ. According to a statement from the County, the coin, referred to as a “histamenon nomisma,” was found by a metal detectorist in the mountains in Vestre Slidre. Such gold coins were first minted…

As Christmas soon approaches, one phrase that may be heard a lot is the “Immaculate Conception.” However, it’s a phrase that most people, particularly Protestants, don’t have a clear understanding of. In 2018, Chris Cuomo famously chastised Representative Matt Gaetz (R, FL) for his misuse of the term. During an interview with Cuomo, Gaetz called…

Israel Antiquities Authority / Facebook
The oldest roof tiles ever have been discovered in the Givati Parking Lot excavation in the City of David. The six ancient ceramic roof tiles have been dated to the second century BC and are significant because of their Hellenistic or Greek style, which would not become a prominent feature in Israeli architecture until nearly…

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Florida’s second largest school district voted unanimously on Wednesday to keep the Bible in its school libraries after an atheist challenged the Bible as being “too sensitive or controversial for a typical classroom setting.” The vote was made by the 9-member panel of the Broward County School District Superintendent Review Committee, formed last year as…

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The atheist Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) recently set it sights on a Kansas teacher after complaints that the teacher was having students perform Christian worship music. The complaint came from a parent whose student attends Challenger Intermediate School in the Goddard Unified School District in Goddard, Kansas. In its letter to the district, the…

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