Polish Center of Mediterranean Archeology
A 1,300-year-old body discovered in Sudan has revealed an ancient “Christ tattoo” on the right foot of the remains. The body was discovered by scientists near the medieval Ghazali monastery in Sudan. A news release called the site, “one of the best-preserved archaeological sites in Sudan.” The site was excavated from 2012 to 2018 by…

@j_bambrick / X
With the “He Gets Us” ad receiving so much attention over whether it offers an accurate depiction of Jesus, one pastor in Northern Ireland decided to respond with an ad of his own. Jamie Bambrick, associate pastor of Hope Church Craigavon, posted his video entitled “He Saves Us” and including the tagline “The Christian Super…

A Hindu group in Assam, India, has given Christian schools in the state a 15-day ultimatum, demanding the removal of all faith-related images and symbols of Jesus and the Mother Mary. According to UCA News, a Catholic news outlet reporting on faith-related matters in Asian regions, Satya Ranjan Borah, president of the Hindu group Kutumba…

A new poll found that a near-record low of Americans are “very satisfied” with their lives, with merely 47 percent of adults expressing high fulfillment and contentedness. This is only the third time in the past two decades that Gallup has seen the proportion dip below 50 percent, with a three percentage point decrease in…

Smart Christians Life/YouTube
An Evangelical megachurch in Ohio kicked off Super Bowl weekend with a sermon that had social media buzzing. Pastors with Crossroads Church in Cincinnati, a multi-site interdenominational church that boasts a weekly congregation of almost 34,000, “punted” a copy of the Bible as part of its “Super Bowl of Preaching” series. The sermon was given…

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