CBN News/YouTube
One year after a revival swept the Asbury University campus and grabbed national headlines, leaders and students on campus say they still feel its impact. The revival started at the Wilmore, Kentucky campus during a regularly scheduled chapel service in February 2023 and continued for the next 16 days. It spread elsewhere, including to other…

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According to a survey from Lifeway Research, many Evangelical pastors in the U.S. are opposed to sports betting, viewing the practice as being “morally wrong.” This comes just ahead of the Super Bowl where many people will participate in sports betting as it has become legalized in many states. The survey was conducted August 29th…

Lee Storbel / Facebook | Shannon Bream / Facebook
Speaker and author Lee Strobel discusses how creation points to the existence of God in his new book, “Is God Real?: Exploring the Ultimate Question of Life.” He shared with Fox News anchor Shannon Bream about how, as a former atheist, he got into proving that God exists and how amazingly planned out our existence…

Italian singer Andrea Bocelli performed a beautiful rendition of “Amazing Grace” at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. The event hosted several attendees such as President Joe Biden and several dozen members of Congress. “The ceremony featured numerous prayers, including one that Tennessee Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn and New York Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand…

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