Transformation Church/YouTube
Oklahoma Pastor Michael Todd of Transformation Church got his hair cut and his beard shaved by a barber onstage during his sermon to show his congregation how submitting themselves to being shaped by God leads to the bearing of godly fruit in their lives. Todd said in his sermon as his longtime barber cut his…
Romans 5:1-2 says, “Brothers and sisters: Since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith to this grace in which we stand, and we boast in the hope of the glory of God.” These verses come from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans,…

@gabemcglothan / Instagram
Grand Canyon University men’s basketball forward Gabe McGlothan is on fire for Christ. The athlete uses his social media to boldly and confidently share his faith with anyone who follows him. He’s shared several photos on the day of his baptism, calling it “the best accomplishment I will ever have.” He also posted Matthew 6:19-21,…

Adobe Stock
The young crowd at a Nashville nightclub was ready to dance the night away to a throbbing mix of rap, hip-hop, and Latin beats, but first, they gathered to praise God and pray. The rules were announced on the dance floor by an emcee to more than 200 clubgoers blanketed by thick smoke machine fog:…

Adobe Stock
Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be discussed everywhere now. From Google Gemini’s race-swapping controversy to prominent authors suing AI companies for illegal uses of their works, everyone seems to have an opinion about the uses and potential misuses of AI. One group that researchers are trying to get involved in the discussion? The Church. The…

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