“I was very involved in the occult, channeling spirits, casting spells, playing with Ouija board six to eight hours a day — all of those things.” That’s how artist and military veteran Timothy Gagnon described his early years, explaining how he descended into evil practices as a young man. Now, years later, Gagnon is on…

A new survey conducted by HarrisX in partnership with the Faith and Media Initiative has found that audiences want Hollywood to improve its representation of faith. The Global Faith and Entertainment Study interviewed nearly 10,000 people from 11 different countries with varying religious and spiritual backgrounds. Of those interviewed, the majority (4,827) identified as Christian,…

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The Family Research Council (FRC) recently released a report that showed a growing trend of hostile acts being taken against US churches. The report detailed 915 incidents that occurred against US churches between 2018 to 2023. Incidents included acts of vandalism, bomb threats, arson, and gun violence. 463 of the incidents occurred in 2023 alone,…

Lightstock | Inset: @gavinortlund / Twitter
A theologian sparked debate amongst Christians when he told CBN that he believes the flood during the days of Noah was regional and not global. Gavin Ortlund heads the “Truth Unites” ministry, which seeks to offer apologetics resources to churches while being a “winsome and credible voice to the culture for the existence of God…

Laken Riley’s Mother Breaks Silence, Delivers Message Calling People to Christ: ‘She Knew Jesus’
The mother of slain Augusta University student Laken Riley recently broke her silence, taking to Facebook to offer an inspiring, faith-filled message while also detailing her daughter’s Christian faith. In a series of posts, Allyson Phillips said it would be easy to lose “faith in mankind” after Riley’s murder, an event she called a ‘senseless…

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