A recent Gallup poll revealed an alarming decline of Americans attending religious services, with 21 percent of Americans attending services weekly. Altogether, 30 percent of Americans attended religious services in some capacity from 2021-2023, down 12 points from 42 percent from 2000 to 2003. However, another recent study is showing that those weekly attendance numbers…

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The Bible remains the most important document in the world and its translation from the original Hebrew and Greek into modern languages remains a heated debate. One book making its entry into the debate is the so-called “Cepher Bible.” Marketing itself as a “comprehensive restoration of sacred Scripture,” the Cepher Bible, officially titled the “Eth…

Luke 24:38 asks, “Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts?” This Bible verse from Luke is an essential reminder to trust in the Lord at all times. Also known as Luke the Evangelist, Luke is widely regarded as the author of both the Gospel of Luke and the Book of…

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A small Christian club in San Francisco is vowing to continue its legal fight after a judge ruled that a 28-foot cross on disputed property must be removed. According to a legal complaint, the battle for the Albany Lions Club has been years in the making, when a group called the “East Bay Atheists” claimed…

Fox News/YouTube
“Fox & Friends” co-host Lawrence Jones has a passion for the Gospel, a deep-rooted faith, and a growing career that’s landed him on millions of TV screens every week. Jones recently told CBN News, “I come from generations of pastors. My mom’s a preacher, grandparents are, so, the Gospel at large — knowing who Christ…

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