Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship / Facebook

Pastor Tony Evans, who is well-known for his sermon broadcasts and books, rocked the Christian world last week when he announced during a Sunday service that he would be stepping away from his pastoral duties and submitting to discipline for “restoration.” Evans has pastored the 11,000-member Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church in Dallas, Texas for 48 years. The church released a statement from its elder board, stating, “On Sunday, June 9, at both services, Dr. Tony Evans announced that he will step away from his senior pastoral duties at OCBF. This difficult decision was made after tremendous prayer and multiple meetings with Dr. Evans and the church elders. The elder board is obligated to govern the church in accordance with the scriptures. Dr. Evans and the elders agree that when any elder or pastor falls short of the high standards of scripture, the elders are responsible for providing accountability and maintaining integrity in the church.”

Evans also issued his own statement, acknowledging his love for the church and growth it has seen through his 48 year of leadership. “The foundation of our ministry has always been our commitment to the Word of God as the absolute supreme standard of truth to which we are to conform our lives. When we fall short of that standard due to sin, we are required to repent and restore our relationship with God. A number of years ago, I fell short of that standard. I am, therefore, required to apply the same biblical standard of repentance and restoration to myself that I have applied to others,” he wrote. He stated that his family and the elder board were aware of the sin and that he had committed no crime but “did not use righteous judgment in my actions.” While he steps away from leadership, he stated his intentions to continue as a worshipper at Oak Cliff. Pastor Gibson of Oak Cliff and the elder board will release more details on an interim pastor in the near future.

Evans did not reveal the specific circumstances of the unnamed sin. James Harris, Jr., a longtime worshipper at Oak Cliff called the announcement “a shock.” “Everyone really couldn’t believe what was being said.” However, he is willing to offer Evans grace. “Him and his family, they truly believe what they preach, and they act on it. And so this is just another showing of faith in God and forgiveness and healing and grace,” he said. Evans’s announcement comes amidst other high-profile pastoral resignations and scandals. In 2022, pastor Matt Chandler briefly stepped down from his position at Village Church due to what was described as an inappropriate relationship with a female congregant. Chandler has insisted the relationship was not sexual but that there was an inappropriate level of familiarity. He returned to his position after three months. In a case of more serious allegations, Robert Morris of Gateway Church has faced calls to step down after accusations that he sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl in the 80’s. A woman by the name Cindy Clemishire stated the relationship began when she was 12 in 1982 and continued into 1987. Morris has admitted to “kissing and petting and not intercourse” during that time period and was removed from ministry for two years at the time of the allegations being first made known while Morris sought counseling.  Morris was twenty years old at the time and married to his wife Debbie, with his young son, Josh. Morris claims he received Clemishire’s father’s blessing to return to ministry, which Clemishire denies. While both stories to continue to unfold, one user on social media posted an apt reminder. “The #TonyEvans thing makes me sad, but it’s a reminder, we worship a Savior and not a Pastor.”

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