@joelosteen / Instagram

Alexandra Osteen has a name that is instantly recognizable in both the Christian and secular worlds. The 25-year-old daughter of mega church pastor Joel Osteen and his wife, Victoria, Alexandra is finding her own way in the world of faith dominated by her father’s image, leading worship for her father’s Houston-based Lakewood Church, as well as leading her worship group, Lakewood Music, through the charts. The group just released its new album, Oh How Worthy this month.

The name Osteen carries its own controversies, with Joel Osteen having been rebuked by popular pastor John MacArthur for his “prosperity Gospel” preaching. Alexandra, however, gushes about her famous parents. “They’ve always just been my parents, and I could brag on them for days on end. They’re great parents, and who they are on stage is who they are at home,” she told Crosswalk Headlines. In another interview with Chron, she was asked if she is bothered by any of the negativity around her father. “It doesn’t. I don’t absorb it. I’m not online looking for it. Also, my dad is so—like, it never affects him in front of me or in front of our family. He’s a human, so I’m sure there’s an element of him that it does affect, but I’ve never seen it,” she said. She also doesn’t shy away from the legacy that comes with her famous last name and well-known church. “I will always be at Lakewood. I would never go somewhere else. This is my family and my home and what I feel God has called me to do. I trust God that we will be here for many, many more years. It’s a great place to be,” she said. While at first growing up in such a massive church (Lakewood boasts 45,000 visitors per week) seemed normal, as she grew older, she began to appreciate just how big the church’s impact is. She considers the church’s size a blessing from God. “As I’ve grown up, I’ve… recognized [that] this is not normal. This is the hand of God that’s blessed us and given us this ministry. And we have to steward and do the best that we can with it, and always point to Jesus.”

Addressing her approach to worship, she said she keeps the focus on Jesus. “All of us who release Christian music, worship music, we have the same goal of just lifting up the name of Jesus and I love the different creative ways that we get to express and share the heart of Jesus.” Speaking to The Christian Post a few years ago, she said her group wants to bring biblical truths to its audience. “God is a good God, but we have to believe it, and we have to live a life that reflects that,” she said. “So that’s really what we want to do with our music, just remind people of the truth found in Jesus, of His goodness and of His promises and the hope that you can have if you choose to believe it. Just putting those words in our mouth, and being aware and that of what we say, that it comes to pass in our life.”

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