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A revival event at the Corpus Christ campus of Texas A&M saw nearly 1,500 students in attendance and 62 people making the decision to be baptized. New Life Church helped organize the event, with New Life Young Adults Pastor Tarik Whitmore preaching a message on Isaiah 6 to the crowd. Speaking with The Christian Post, Whitmore described to sermon as focusing on the “conviction, cleansing, and commissioning that follows a genuine encounter with God.” Whitmore added that former and current students shared testimonies of how God has impacted their lives, with an altar call being made. “As the altar was opened, there was an invitation given to profess faith in Jesus through water baptism, receive prayer for healing and receive prayer for the baptism of the Holy Spirit,” said Whitmore.

Michael and Bonnie Fehlauer, who lead New Life Church, shared images of the event on their Facebook page. “Nearly 1500 students last night Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. 62 water baptisms. Powerful testimonies. Many physically healed and delivered! Jesus is Lord….. and He is coming back,” the couple wrote. Whitmore described the emotions of the night, with students visibly touched by the experience. “The night continued with students and young adults sharing testimonies in real-time of salvation, healing, deliverance, and being filled with the Spirit,” he said. “The night concluded with a commissioning of those who wanted God to use them on their college campus — All declaring, ‘Here I am. Send me!’”

Texas A&M experienced a similar revival last August, organized by New Life as well. The event saw around 1,000 students attend and over 120 be baptized. The event has seen attendance growth the last few years. Whitmore spoke about the importance of the event’s public professions of faith last year, saying, “For young people, it’s one thing for them to do that in a comfortable, familiar context like the Sunday morning; it’s another thing for them to do that at their college outdoors in front of their peers.”

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