A primary school in the United Kingdom is under fire after canceling its traditional Easter Bonnet Parade and Easter Service. The school, Norwood Primary School in Eastleigh, Hampshire, claims the move was made to “respect diversity” and promote inclusivity. The decision has ignited a backlash from parents and community members who see the change as a step away from Christian values and long-held traditions.
In a letter sent to parents, headteacher Stephanie Mander announced that the school would no longer hold specific religious celebrations like Easter.
“By not holding specific religious celebrations, we aim to create a more inclusive atmosphere that honors and respects the beliefs of all our children and their families,” she wrote.
The announcement was quickly shared to a local Facebook group, where criticism poured in. “Is Miss Mander preparing to cancel Christmas as well?” one commenter wrote. Another questioned the reasoning behind the decision, saying, “Parents have always been given the option to not attend. The school’s always been diverse and accepting of all.”
Many parents say the change sends the wrong message, especially in a country where Easter has deep cultural and religious roots. They argue that honoring one tradition does not mean excluding others and that true inclusivity means celebrating the diversity of all faiths—not eliminating them.
Adding to the confusion is the fact that the school’s website says it celebrates major religious and cultural festivals, including Eid, Diwali, Christmas, and Easter. “At these times, the school welcomes members of the wider school community to lead assemblies and learning activities with the children to share their beliefs with them,” the school’s site reads.
Critics are now questioning why Easter was singled out for cancellation, especially when the school plans to fully mark Refugee Week in June and begin its journey toward becoming an accredited School of Sanctuary.
The controversy has left many Christian families feeling alienated. “We’re not asking for special treatment—just the continuation of a tradition that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus and brings joy to the children,” one parent told local media. “It feels like a part of our faith and culture is being erased.”
Norwood Primary is a mixed school for children aged three to eleven with no religious affiliation. In its 2024 Ofsted report, it received a “Good” rating in most areas, though its “Outcomes for children and learners” category was noted as needing improvement.
As debate over the decision continues to grow, many in the Christian community are calling for a balanced approach—one that respects diversity without abandoning the traditions that have long been a part of British and Christian heritage.
“True inclusion doesn’t mean removing our Christian celebrations,” one commenter wrote. “It means making space for everyone.”