If you are wondering whether COVID-19 is a sign of the end times, you are not alone. The Bible tells us that in the final days, the world will be rocked by subsequent famines and plagues. In an exclusive interview with Beliefnet, Mark Hitchcock, associate professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and author of over 30 books related to biblical end times prophecy spoke with us about the Coronavirus pandemic and how it relates to America and biblical prophecy. These eye-opening responses will help you understand end times prophecy in a whole new way.
1) What signs indicate that the end times are approaching?
There are many signs that signify the coming of the end: Israel is back in their land after almost 2,000 years of dispersion, the Middle East is constantly in turmoil, the Middle East peace plan is still on the front burner, globalism is accelerating, the nations of Ezekiel 38—39, including Iran and Russia, are coming together in opposition to Israel — all of these things are signposts that point to what the Bible predicts about the soon coming of Christ. We don’t know when He’s coming; it could be today, but it could be five years from now, or longer.
2) Is the Coronavirus pandemic a sign of the end times? Where do we see examples of COVID-19 in biblical prophecy?
Scripture is clear that there will be plagues and pestilence (disease) in the End Times. In fact, Scripture tells us these plagues will kill 25% of the people in the world. It’s literally going to be of biblical proportions. We see this in Luke 2:11 and Revelation 6:8, the prophecy of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, where the fourth rider kills one-fourth of the Earth’s population with pestilence and the “wild beasts of the earth.”
While I don’t necessarily believe that COVID-19 is one of the plagues mentioned in Revelation (those are going to happen during the tribulation in the future), I do believe that this pandemic is a very serious foreshadowing of what’s to come and reveals the globalism of today. One person in China got this sometime in the fall and now it’s in some 190 countries. It’s also a picture of how small our world is today and how things are set up for the world ruler, the Antichrist, who is coming. I see a lot of foreshadows and previews in the coronavirus, but I don’t see this as a fulfillment of a specific prophecy.
3) What is going to happen according to end times prophecy?
The first thing that will happen is the rapture, where the Lord’s people will be gathered from the earth to escape the upcoming tribulation. The rapture is a sign-less event that I like to compare to Thanksgiving; in the weeks leading up to this holiday, we begin to see signs of Christmas. However, only after Thanksgiving are we bombarded with unmistakable, unavoidable Christmas decorations and music.
Following the rapture will be the seven-year tribulation period. This is where we see God’s wrath poured out on the unbelieving world. The human suffering during this time will be exceedingly great, unlike any other event in the history of the world. During this time, I believe the Bible says people will have one last chance to repent before the second coming of the Lord.
At the end of the tribulation, Jesus will return to earth and reign on earth for 1,000 years.
4) Why is America noticeably absent from end times prophecy?
There are several reasons why America could be absent from end times prophecy; the first and most troubling possibility is that America will collapse as a civilization in such a way that we cannot play a major part in apocalyptic events. America has been a global superpower for much of its history and it seems odd that, if America is thriving, it would not make an appearance.
A second possibility is that America is referenced as “Great Babylon” in the Bible. Babylon doesn’t exist anymore, but it was a superpower in its time, so many have speculated this phrasing could be an indirect reference to America as a modern superpower. Personally, I do not believe America is referenced directly or indirectly.
A final possibility is that America is simply not as relevant as we would like it to be in the end times. One explanation for America’s absence could be the rapture of all believers to heaven. The impact of this event on America would be unimaginable. America could become a third-rate nation overnight and become a part of Antichrist’s world empire.
5) What are some ways that Christians can be prepared for the end times?
The best thing Christians can do is to continue growing in their relationship with the Lord. Don’t put off growing in your faith or walking away from a sinful lifestyle; Jesus said he would return like a thief in the night, at a moment when we do not expect him; even Jesus, when He was on earth, didn’t know when his return would be. Only the Father knew. With that in mind, if Jesus didn’t not know the hour of his return while he was on earth, do not rely on human predictions. The end of the world was predicted in 2000, in 2016, and new predictions are surfacing all the time. Do not put trust into any of these predictions, but instead watch for the signs Jesus spoke of and rely on God and his perfect timing. It is imperative to always be ready, so I urge everyone not to wait another moment to get right with Jesus and truly surrender your life to him.
Christians can also prepare by abiding in prayer. Pray for yourself, pray for the world, and pray for those who do not yet know Jesus that they might be saved before the rapture and not have to endure the tribulation period. Then, always be ready to share the good news of Jesus when God provides an open door of opportunity.
6) What are some ways Christians can keep the faith in the midst of this pandemic? What lessons can be learned from this?
The Lord calls us to be in community with one another, and even though we can’t join together in church buildings during this time, I encourage Christians to remember that the church does not refer to the church building; it refers to believers themselves. Thus, it is important that we stay in community with one another even though we must be physically separated. The enemy will seek us out in isolation, but the body is much stronger in community. We are blessed with amazing technology that, while it is not the same as seeing someone in person, can aid us in the fight against isolation.
In addition, take some of this extra time to really delve into the Word of God. If you have never studied the Bible, this is the perfect opportunity to develop the discipline. The Bible is living and active; reading it diligently will sharpen your faith unlike anything else.
There are many lessons that can be learned from the pandemic, but one of the biggest ones is to not take our blessings for granted, whether that be spending time with friends and family, our jobs, our healthcare system or the workers in our grocery stores. I hope that we will be more thankful for what we have when this is over and treasure the freedom to be in physical community with one another. It also reminds us of the fleeting, fragile nature of life.
7) What inspired you to write “Showdown with Iran”? What do you hope Christians take away from reading this?
I’ve studied Bible prophecy for almost forty years, and in the early 1990s I began to understand that Iran would play a key role in the end times based on the mention of “Persia” in Ezekiel 38:5. Since that time I’ve watched Iran grow in power and influence as they have become the world’s number one sponsor of terror, increased their number of proxies and pursued nuclear weapons. The continued rise of Iran on the world stage, and the intersection with the prophecies of Ezekiel 38, led me to write this book. I hope reading this book will give believers a greater confidence in the truth of God’s Word as they see events predicted centuries ago beginning to take shape. I also hope they will have a greater sense of urgency about living faithfully for Christ and sharing the good news with others.
In these uncertain times, it is important that we are not only aware but also equipped with practical strategies. Do you believe the Coronavirus pandemic is an end times sign? What messages do you think God is sending us right now?
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Mark Hitchcock has authored over 30 books related to Bible prophecy, including his newest releases Showdown with Iran: Nuclear Iran and the Future of Israel, the Middle East, and the United States in Bible Prophecy and Corona Crisis: Plagues, Pandemics, and the Coming Apocalypse (Thomas Nelson).
He has earned Th.M. and Ph.D. degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary and is an associate professor there. He lives in Edmond, Oklahoma, with his wife Cheryl and serves as senior pastor of Faith Bible Church. He and his wife have two married sons and three grandchildren.
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