godongphoto / Shutterstock.com | Inset: Adobe Stock
The Turin Shroud has had decades of mystery surrounding it, with the faithful insisting the strange markings around it, that appear to be blood, and the eerie image of a man’s face indicating the Shroud may in fact be Jesus’s own burial shroud. Skeptics, however, have claimed the Shroud to be a fake, dating from…

Israel Antiquities Authority / Facebook
The largest ancient quarry ever discovered in Jerusalem has been revealed by archaeologists. The excavation site in Jerusalem’s Har Hotzvim industrial area spans 3,500-square meters and reveals just a small portion of the massive quarry. Archaeologists have dated the quarry around the Second Temple Era and believe many of the large slabs of stone were…

NBC Sports / YouTube
Archaeologists have shared a finding of a rare red dye that is mentioned in the Bible. In 2016, a series of expeditions were carried out by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) and the Hebrew University in an undertaking to protect archaeological finds from thieves scouring the Judean Desert. The project was led by Dr. Eitan…

Asaf Peri / City of David
Archaeologists have announced the discovery of a 2,300-year-old gold ring discovered in Jerusalem’s City of David. The ring is small, most likely made for a child’s finger, and is set with a garnet. It was uncovered by a joint excavation between the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) and Tel-Aviv University. Tehiya Gangate described the process of…

Shai Halevi/Israel Antiquities Authority
Hebrew University archeologists excavating at the Hyrcania Fortress in the Judean Desert recently discovered a rare inscription of Psalm 86 on the side of a building stone. It reads, “Jesus Christ, guard me, for I am poor and needy. Guard my life, for I am faithful to You.” The adapted words of King David’s original…

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