Steven Leonard/Auburn University
Players from one of college basketball’s most prominent teams took part in a baptism ceremony in the Jordan River. The Auburn men’s basketball team visited multiple historical sites in Israel, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which tradition says was the site of Christ’s empty tomb. The team’s official social media account posted pictures of the baptisms.…
Christian evangelist and YouTube star Paul Begley believes the world is coming to an end and says that the catastrophic events of 2020 are clear signs. Begley has cited the coronavirus pandemic and several eclipses as indicators of the end times on his YouTube channel with nearly 340,000 followers. Recently, he’s discussed how the Holy…

The Dead Sea Scrolls are one of the most puzzling mysteries of our time. A multitude of fragments, more than 25,000 in total, have alluded researchers about their origins. The writing covers parts of the Hebrew Bible canon, along with religious practices, hymns, and legal documents. Now, experts are saying ancient DNA has helped them…

Can God manipulate nature to give us signs? This image is causing skeptics to question what they originally believed. A mysterious cloud-shaped cross appeared above the Holy Land of Isreal, causing viewers to say it was a “sign from heaven”. The image was sent by a user only known as “The Rabbi” to YouTube theorist…

Archaeologists have made what is an important discovery for Christians in Israel. The remains of a 2,200-year-old fortification at Kiriath-Jearim, a hill on the outskirts of Abu Ghosh (a village near Jerusalem), have been uncovered by researchers. According to archaeologists in Israel who made the discovery, they believe it is the location of the biblical…

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