Guardian News/YouTube
According to Pope Francis, “sexual pleasure is a gift from God,” but Catholics should avoid pornography. He made the remarks during a catechesis devoted to the “vice of lust” at his general audience in Saint Peter’s Square. He said sexual pleasure was something to be cherished, but it was being “undermined by pornography,” and “satisfaction…

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For over a decade, Ellie Hidalgo has been campaigning to expand the role of women in the Catholic Church. The Miami woman is co-director of a nonprofit, Discerning Deacons, which invites other Catholics to consider ordaining women as deacons, a clergy role that has always been opened to married men. That would allow women, for…

Pope Francis recently marked the 10th anniversary as head of the Roman Catholic Church, celebrating Mass with cardinals in the chapel of the Vatican’s Santa Marta hotel, where he’s lived since his election. The 86-year-old Argentina-born Francis became the first Latin American pontiff in 2013, succeeding Benedict XVI, the first pope in six centuries to…

Malacañang Photo Bureau/WikiCommons
The leader of the Catholic Church said lust isn’t the most serious of the seven deadly sins.

Malacañang Photo Bureau/WikiCommons
The religious icon shared his belief that politics should not be a factor in Communion eligibility.

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