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A groundbreaking fusion of faith and technology has taken the Christian world by storm. Miguel Ángel Omaña Rojas, a tech expert from Mexico, has used artificial intelligence to reconstruct what he believes is a realistic image of the Virgin Mary as a teenager prior to giving birth to Jesus Christ. His work draws inspiration from…

Adobe Stock
A new study is suggesting that two of Jesus’s biggest miracles involving fish could have been accomplished through scientific rather than divine means. The feeding of the 5,000, one of the few miraculous incidents recorded in all four Gospels of the New Testament, and the “miraculous catch of fish” both occurred along the Sea of…

Adobe Stock
A new Italian study on the Shroud of Turin has revealed that the dark stains on the shroud, attributed to being blood stains from the body of Christ, have a pattern consistent with the types of injuries Jesus sustained as described in the Bible. Giulio Fanti, a professor of mechanical and thermal measurements at the…

Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons
A NASA astronaut who formerly held the American record for cumulative days in space says he believes science and the Bible are in harmony, not conflict. Astronaut Jeffrey Williams took part in four space missions from 2000 to 2016, first on the Space Shuttle Atlantis and the next three aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket to the International…

U.S. Department of Agriculture/WikiCommons
A recent scientific study states that the two infamous cities of Sodom and Gomorrah may have been taken down by a meteor “cloudburst.”

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